For so many years, I never had a designated GYM BAG! What in the world, I do not know why. Probably because I didn’t want to spend money on it. Therefore, I had janky old dance bags with rips in them that I would take to work every day with my gym clothes and tennis shoes in it. One day I decided I was going to bite the bullet and spend the dang $30. HA So, I thought I would give you guys what I keep in my gym bag at all times so you can be prepared for ANY workout.

Having a specific “gym bag” designated ONLY for your workouts, is crucial. First of all, it is kind of exciting to have a cute little bag (for all my ladiez out there) specific for your workout and makes me excited to go to the gym. Second of all, you always know you have the basic necessities for your workouts and you are less likely to forget something. Thirdly, you can pack everything the night before, and lay your bag by the door so you are ready to go when you’re off to work, class, etc. (side note: even if you workout at home- it’s nice to have a bag designated for all things fitness)

Without further adu, these are my top gym bag essentials.

  1. Tennis Shoes 
  2. Deodorant
  3. Perfume/ Body Spray
  4. Towel
  5. Coconut Oil/ Facewash
  6. Arm Band
  7. Extra Socks
  8. Headband
  9. Swimsuit
  10. Goggles
  11. Bluetooth Headphones



Just find what you feel like would motivate you to workout and keep them in your bag AT ALL TIMES! This list is just mine, but it is ever changing and yours may look completely different!

It’s so important to enjoy our workouts and to find what works for US, not everybody else. It is absolutely crucial for you to enjoy your workouts, because if you don’t you will not continue to do it. You will have no motivation to keep going. 

Fitness is hard. It is a never ending process. You never reach the end and can say you are finished. Fitness is something you have to do every day for the rest of your life. For this reason, you better enjoy it! Fitness doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Find something that you LOVE and it won’t feel like you are working out. The little things like a gym bag full of things that make it easier and more fun to workout keep me going. What is it that would keep you going? 


That is all for now! See ya next week ? Don’t forget to subscribe to my email list for updates! Also, check out my YouTube channel to see videos about health and nutrition! 

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